I want to ask if you received the email I sent you

The email below is a sample of what clickbait is. If you are wondering whether there is a prior email and can’t find it anywhere else in your folder, the last resort will be replying to this email, and then boom… They now have your attention and will trick you more if you keep on entertaining them, so beware.

Email content in English:

Hello, I want to ask if you received the email I sent you a few days ago, since I didn’t receive a response, that’s why I’m asking.

I sent you an email to [your email address] but I don’t know if you got it.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but it seems that I am having problems with my email. If this email arrives as spam/junk mail, I would ask you if you would be so kind as to send it to your inbox, so I will resend the query so that it reaches you. correctly.


Maria Ferrer.

Original email content in Spanish:

Hola, quiero preguntar si te llego el correo que te mande hace unos dias, como no recibi respuesta por eso consulto.

Te mande un email a [your email address] pero no se si te llego.

Disculpa la molestia, pero parece que estoy teniendo problemas con mi correo, si este email te llega como spam/correo no deseado te pediria si sos tan amable que lo pases a bandeja de entrada, así te vuelvo a enviar la consulta para que te llegue correctamente.


Maria Ferrer.

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